
Professor David Harris is a Specialist Oral Surgeon. In conjunction with the multidisciplinary team, he provides a full Oral Surgery service including dental implants, the treatment of medically compromised patients and screening for oral cancer. Full laboratory, radiological and medical back up is provided by the extended team and services available at Blackrock Clinic.

Professional Profile

Professor Harris is internationally recognised as a pioneer in the field of dental implants having collaborated closely with the originator of modern osseointegrated implants – Professor P I BrÃ¥nemark from Sweden. His current area of special interest is the treatment of implants complications as well as the use of Bone Grafts and Zygomatic implants in patients where advanced bone loss leaves insufficient bone remaining for the placement of normal dental implants.

Professor Harris holds both medical and dental qualifications. He is a Fellow of the Faculties of Dentistry at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and the Royal College of Surgeons in England. His teaching, research and academic activities are based at the School of Dental Science, Trinity College Dublin where he holds an appointment as a Senior Lecturer and at the Medical University of Warsaw where he was awarded a Visiting Professorship. As a member of a small number of pioneer teams worldwide involved in introducing dental implants into clinical practice, he has lectured extensively and provided many courses both nationally and internationally. His many publications include 3 chapters in international textbooks. In conjunction with Professor Branemark, Gothenborg, Sweden and Professor Daniel van Steenberghe from the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, he has provided several international courses at the Blackrock Clinic in Dublin with attendees from over 30 different countries.

Profile Picture

Professor David Harris
Professor David HarrisOral Surgeon